

英文計畫名稱:Project to Improve Environmental Education relating to Eco-friendly Worship




計畫期程:105年11月11日- 106年11月30日



英文摘要關鍵詞:Joss Paper Burning, Eco-friendly Worship, Environmental Education



(一) 完成蒐集、調查及分析環境友善祭祀成功案例,包括蒐集國內及香港、新加坡、中國環境友善祭祀相關政策、國內金紙及拜香使用現況調查等;並辦理3場次專家諮詢會議,依前述資料蒐集結果,研訂環保署短、中、長期環境友善祭祀環境教育推動策略及指標,以提供環保署未來相關政策推動之參考。

(二) 編撰環境友善祭祀為主題之環境教育教材及教案,召開3場次專家審查會議,依據專家建議完成教材與教案之修訂。課程架構包含:燒金、拜香之民俗文化意涵;燒金、拜香可能造成健康及安全之影響;以及有哪些環境友善祭祀方式等三層面。課程目標為希望透過課程,介紹環境友善祭祀方式,使推廣對象能省思金紙及拜香焚燒行為背後之意涵,及其對環境健康可能造成的風險,進而發展兼具宗教文化意涵、環境與健康兩全之行動方案。

(三) 本計畫辦理3場次「環境友善祭祀環境教育推廣活動種子教師培訓工作坊」,共培訓77名種子教師,參與之學員以環境教育人員為多數(67%),其次為廟方工作人員(11%),66%學員願意擔任種子教師。由種子教師培訓之過程,能幫助參與學員提升環境友善祭祀之知能及環境教育課程規劃之能力。

(四) 協助規劃並辦理一系列北部、中部及南部環境友善祭祀環境教育推廣活動,包含:辦理6場次研商會議、運用本計畫所編撰之教材與培訓種子教師進行9場次社區民眾環境友善祭祀推廣活動、舉辦6場次事業單位環境友善祭祀環境教育課程以及2場次環境友善祭祀廟宇參訪。另外舉辦清明節及中元節環境友善祭祀推廣活動,藉由中元節環境友善祭祀企業連署及事業單位環境友善祭祀環境教育課程提升企業員工對於環境友善祭祀與友善環境理念之了解與認同。除了參與連署之企業於中元普渡達成採用環境友善祭祀,減少金紙、拜香之使用,亦有助於進一步影響員工個人之中元普渡祭祀行為上。



This project aims to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to improve environmental education relating to eco-friendly worship. Completed tasks include: (1) Studying eco-friendly worship policies and success stories in Taiwan and Southeast Asia countries to develop short, medium and long-term promotion strategies and indicators. (2) Compiling environmental education teaching materials and teaching plans relating to eco-friendly worship for the northern, central and southern regions of Taiwan. (3) Holding activities to promote eco-friendly worship in northern, central and southern Taiwan. The project results are as follows:

1. We completed research into eco-friendly worship policies and success stories, including various policies relating to the use of joss paper and incense, as well as successful cases in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and China, which we will use as a reference for the development of short, medium, and long-term promotion strategies, and for environmental education relating to eco-friendly worship. Based on the aforementioned study results, we held three expert consultation meetings.

2. We compiled environmental education teaching materials and teaching plans relating to eco-friendly worship. We first held three expert consultation meetings, and, based on the expert advice, amended environmental education teaching materials and teaching plans for eco-friendly worship. The course structure includes: (1) The meaning of burning joss paper and incense in folk culture; (2) The impact of burning joss paper and incense on health and safety; (3) How to conduct eco-friendly worship. This course helps students understand the implications of burning joss paper and incense sticks; and the potential risks to environment and health. Then they can come up with action plans balancing religious culture and environmental and health concerns.

3. We held “Environmental education seed teachers training workshops”, with 77 participants. The majority of participants were environmental educators (67%), while the second largest group was temple staff (11%). 66% of participants agreed to be seed teachers. The process of training helped participants enhance their knowledge and skills relating to eco-friendly teaching.

4. We helped organize activities promoting eco-friendly worship in northern, central and southern Taiwan, which included: (1) Holding six “Environmental education conferences relating to eco-friendly worship; (2) Holding 9 “Eco-friendly worship promotion activities” along with 6 “Eco-friendly worship lessons” aimed at enterprises. There were also two “eco-friendly” temple visits. And to raise awareness, we helped to organize two press conference at Ching Ming Festival and Zhongyuan Festival, to promote eco-friendly worship among employees of various enterprises.